Mysql 支持 4 种事务隔离级别。Mysql 默认的事务隔离级别为: REPEATABLE READ。
6.3.3 在MySql中设置隔离级别
每启动一个 mysql 程序, 就会获得一个单独的数据库连接. 每个数据库连接都有一个全局变量 @@tx_isolation, 表示当前的事务隔离级别。
SELECT @@tx_isolation;
设置当前 mySQL 连接的隔离级别:set transaction isolation level read committed;
set transaction isolation level read committed;
设置数据库系统的全局的隔离级别:set global transaction isolation level read committed;
set global transaction isolation level read committed;
创建mysql数据库用户:create user tom identified by 'abc123';
create user tom identified by 'abc123';
grant all privileges on *.* to tom@'%' identified by 'abc123';
grant select,insert,delete,update on qaqaqdb.* to tom@localhost identified by 'abc123';